Sam Steel Society

About Sam Steel Society
The Sam Steel Society is the alumni organization for NMSU's College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences. Hailed as one of the most brilliant students in the first class to be awarded college degrees from New Mexico College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts in 1893, Samuel Steel would have been the first graduate of the university. Tragically, he was shot in an alleged robbery. In his honor, we recognize the outstanding accomplishments of all graduates of the college. Members are welcomed in their freshman year at the college and inducted into the society upon their graduation. Members throughout the nation uphold the legacy of Sam Steel through their fellowship and continued efforts which are rooted in their experiences at NMSU College of ACES.
Letter From the Council
Upon graduation from New Mexico State University College of Agricultural, Consumer, and Environmental Sciences (ACES), seniors are inducted into the Sam Steel Society. They join our college's graduates who, for more than 125 years, have used their knowledge and skills to change the world.
The Society is overseen by the Sam Steel Society Council whose mission is to support the goals and objectives of the College of ACES through assisting with recruitment of students; promoting student, faculty, and alumni engagement; seeking alumni who provide internships and employment opportunities for our future alumni; and advocating on behalf of the University.
Additionally, the Council oversees the Sam Steel Society scholarship. Scholarships are awarded to NMSU undergraduate students enrolled in the College of ACES to assist with college expenses. Undergraduates are selected based on their “NMSU Scholar Dollar$” application and must be currently enrolled full-time in the College of ACES.
The Council is made up on no more than 17 members of the Sam Steel Society and one current ACES student. All former students of the College of ACES who received a degree are regular members of the Sam Steel Society and are eligible to serve on the Council. If you are interested in learning more about the Society or Council, we urge you to contact us at We look forward to partnering with you.
- The Sam Steel Council
More Information
- Visit the Sam Steel Society website.
- Sign up for Email Updates.